An introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics;
Eleven weeks of learning through the Uttoxeter U3A

Welcome to an opportunity to learn about Atomic and Nuclear Physics; together with the necessary underpinning knowledge.

This web page is a work in progress with the intention of providing access to information to support your learning.






Learning resources



An introduction and the structure of the atom

Protons, neutrons, electrons. the classic model of the atom. Rutherford scattering; evidence for small, dense, positive nucleus.

Here you can see a mind map of the subject and how it breaks down into sub-areas. Here are Jenny's notes for the session.



Atomic number and the Periodic Table

Continue from session 1 if necessary.  Organisation of elements into the periodic table. Mendeleev. Isotopes.

Here are Jenny's notes for the session and here is a link to a Web version of the Periodic Table; rich with extra information. Here is a link to more information about elements in the Periodic Table; from Wikipedia



Basic wave theory

Definitions of λ, ν, a, T. Wave speed, Graphical representation of waves. Transverse and longitudinal waves. Light as a transverse wave: vibrations of electric and magnetic fields.

Click here to see the .pptx slides used in the session. These contain a number of informative links.

In addition here is a YouTube clip of how circular motion appears as a Sine wave when viewed from the side.

Here you can see Jenny's notes from the session.



Wave properties

A recap of last week's terms and concepts.  Interference and the principle of superposition, resonance. Wave energy

Click here to see the slides seen in the session and here to see Jenny's notes.



More properties of waves

Reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction. Wave energy and its components and . . . . . . breathe.

Click here to see the slides used in the session and here to see, written down, the Elephant Joke that was shared today.

Click here to see Jenny's notes from the session.



A  break from Wilfred House



Theories about light

Corpuscular and wave theories of light, related to reflection, refraction, diffraction etc. Photons. E=hν. The eV as a unit of energy.

Click here to see Jenny's notes from the session.



The photoelectric effect

What happens when a metal surface is irradiated and Einstein’s explanation. Light as quanta of energy. Bohr model of the atom. Allowed energy levels and transitions. Absorption and emission of photons. Spectra.

Click here to see Jenny's notes for the session and here to see a summary of atomic structure, pertinent to today's learning.



Wave-particle duality

Diffraction of particles. Relationship between wavelength and momentum. Diffraction of larger bodies? Investigate by calculations.

Click here to see Jenny's notes for the session



Nuclear physics

Fission and fusion reactions. Mass/Energy equivalence. Fission reactors. Fusion reactors as a future possibility. Elementary particles and the Standard Model.

Click here to see some further practice on the De Broglie wave\particle correlation, here to see a mind map of the topic areas and here to see the PowerPoint presentation used.




α, β, γ emissions, half life. Uses and hazards of radioactive materials. More on elementary particles.

Click here to see Jenny's notes for the session.



Brief introduction to Quantum Mechanics.
Summary, review and onwards.

Heisenberg, Schrödinger. Uncertainty principle. Summary of the last 10 weeks and suggestions for future topics. 'The physics of music', 'Physics of flight' and 'Medical biophysics' have been mooted so far.

Supplemental Information
A number of links to information to support and extend your learning will appear here over the course of the sessions

This site was created on 10th April, 2022 and was last updated on 9th July, 2022.

Please mail me on if you have any feedback about the content of this page. Your input will help to improve it for others.