Staffordshire University

Faculty of Computing Engineering and Technology

Forensic Computing and Cybercrime WebQuest

The links below should give you the information you require to carry out your own Forensic Computing investigation:

This WebQuest workshop will last about one hour and is supported by a member of the teaching staff.

It is recommended that you read not only this page in its entirety but also the entire case study in its entirety carefully before clicking on the other links.

    Click here to see a list of a selection of the the files that were discovered in the browser cache folder on Don's PC
    and, if that doesn't work, click here to see screen shots of the same information
    Click here to see the register kept of who was using Don's PC
    Click here to see an extract from the register of authorised system users kept by the Council IT department
    Click here to see an example of the inappropriate content, the viewing of which could lead to an employee's dismissal
    Click here to see an extract from the firewall central register file

Have fun and good luck!

Dave Thomas
Faculty of Computing Engineering and Sciences
Resources updated July 2015