Things that make me laugh


I seem always to have had a sense of humour that others may regard as odd. Some things just strike me as funny. I have tried to describe some of these below.

The 'Elephant Joke'
, inherited from my long late father-in-law in about 1973 has been told to hundreds of students over the years, and only one has ever laughed. Well, I think it's funny! My much loved daugher Beth has agreed to tell this at my funeral.

Some of the things that have reduced me to helpless giggles:
- at the side of the road in Shropshire - how secret is this, with its great big sign?
- in the lovely canal town of Stone, I used to cycle past  this sign on the way to work and all I can think of were racks and racks of very chilled stones
- going in to a pet shop to buy a cat flap, the sales assistant said 'what's it for?' - 'a cat' I said
- the packet of food in the freezer labelled 'Frozen Cod Pieces'. I wonder what William Shakespeare would have made of those?
- and these guys!

I also seem to read some words not as they are intended to be:
- legend I can only see as leg end
- simile is simile (but the mile bit is the unit of length)
- hyperbole is hyperbowl
- Hermione is Hermi-own (thanks Beth)
- sanitation has the name Anita writ large in it (thanks Neat)

I suppose a lot of this comes from being so old that Monty Python was first broadcast in my most formative years. If anyone else can remember the sketch 'Buying a Bed' you'd have to agree. It's in the same mould as the much better known Dead Parrot sketch, Biggus Dickus and, of course, the Ministry of Silly Walks. Another sketch that came to me late in life is the 'French Taunting' sketch from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. And, of course, nobody would expect this sketch. And even if you did, you might be able to enjoy it with light refreshments or have to argue your case for the full half hour. And, when I eventually do go, wouldn't it be great to have a funeral in this spirit

This I heard when flying on holiday - took me ages to understand it, but it is worth the effort!

This has to be the funniest advert ever made - but does require an appreciation of all the other adverts for the same product that were produced in the nineteen eighties.

Even before Monty Python, I remember the surreal start to the Harry Worth show that is still a hit with small people. You can see it by clicking on this
Harry Worth title video clip link. I suppose my mother has something to answer for as I remember the Hippopotamus Poem being a feature at many family bashes.

Donald Rumsfeld has said many things in his time, but the speech on 'known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns' I think is truly brilliant.

And something that I find surreal on many levels is 'Dinner for One' that, following the same procedure as every year, is broadcast every New Year's Eve in Germany. Every year!


This page was created in or about August 2006 and was last updated in May 2018