PowerPoint Presentations Created, Pre-arrival, by Foundation Year in Computing Students

An important part of learning is being able to assess, honestly and impartially, work that has been done by others and by you.

Working in pairs of two, assess the presentations on the links below by allocating up to 20 marks per presentation according to the following criteria:
- up to a maximum of five (5) marks for the interest and thoughtfulness of the content of each of the three slides
- up to an additional five (5) marks for the overall impact and look of the presentation as a whole

Keep a note of the marks, out of twenty (20) for each of the presentations

Please click on the links below to look at the .ppt presentations that were created and e-mailed to me as your pre-arrival activity

Jason here
Jackie here

This page was created in, or about, September 2013 and last amended in September 2014.