Resources for Final Year Projects


Welcome to a resource page for information that may be helpful when you are considering and working on your FYP. This site has been thrown together to try to stop the mail server collapsing under the weight of documents I would otherwise be sending out by e-mail

Here is a link that will tell you precisely how many days are left until hand-in day on 7th May 2019, which will be close to the hand-in date for your FYP if you are starting in September 2018

Please click on the relevant links to access this information. More information will appear here as and when it becomes useful for you to see it. In fact there's already so much I've restructured it a bit.

A document to help you formulate your thoughts when considering your project here
Some things to think about if you would like me to supervise your project here
An example of a very good project report from a year or so ago in which a software artefact was created here
A PowerPoint presentation with information about a number of SDLCs and methodologies here
A workplace risk assessment form and guidance on the DSE regulations to help with the risk assessment you have to do
The explanation of Weighted Comparison Matrices that some of you had difficulty seeing in an e-mail here
Guidance (from the faculty) on what an FYP should include\consider for each award
The proposed schedule of meetings for semester one here
The official timetable for what you have to do when for a submission this year is on Blackboard
Guidance on writing an FYP proposal here
An example of a good, generic proposal
A mind map of  the different aspects to be considered when thinking about developing software here
An example of an 'academic' style of writing here
Another, longer, example of a referenced academic style of writing
Definitions of what an abstract is to make doing one easier
An example of an abstract from the same work from which the first example of writing style is taken
A guide on the Harvard referencing system
The official FYP handbook here
The official FYP timescales here
The official FYP web site  here
A summary of the SWAT hybrid methodology we spoke about here
and the gory detail of  it  (this is a big document) here
Some info on different Software Development Lifecycles and related things:
Barry Boehm's Spiral Model
The V Model
Extreme Programming
and here is a comparison of several with pros and cons of eafch
Some freeware to help you draw mindmaps (thanks Joachim)
There's also loads more if you Google it
An explanation of ethical issues according to the BCS here
An explanation of ethical issues according to the BPS
A 'fast track' ethical approval form. You should all fill one of these in and give them to me for signing here
A mind map (pasted into Word) of possible report content with particular focus on the research section. You will need to zoom in a lot.
The test plan that was mentioned in our meeting. Bear in mind that this was for an early release of software that did not have much functionality. It became much bigger later in the project.
An example of the tasks extracted from a real project plan - two years' work for a number of people
The plan itself for the above project
The guidelines I send out to the project students whom I am second assessing at the Mid-point Viva this coming January
The official guidelines about the mid-point viva and the second asessor's role generally
Some thoughts about Gradex and the stuff that you are asked to produce for it. Even if you have no intention of being there
An alternative, illustrative, project plan, first as an .mpp file and then as a Word document
An example of a system navigation chart (another sort of blob picture)
Input that might help when you are planning your final presentation\demonstration

This page was created in, or about, September 2006 and last updated on June 26th 2018.